Monday, March 18, 2013

St. Patrick's Day Flash Fiction :)

Kia’s feet were sore and she was unable to wiggle her toes enough for comfort. Managing to raise her numb head, she looked down and saw that she was still wearing her dance shoes.
            “Why am I still wearing my gillies?” she asked wearily, rubbing her temples.
            “I would think it’s because you were Irish Dancing last night at the Irish/Mexican Festival,” an impeccably dashing young man strolled into the room, holding a plate of what Kia thought were pancakes.
            Covering her torso she stared at the man, “Do I know you?”
            The dark haired man with flawless dark skin smiled, exposing straight white teeth. “I would hope so. After all…” he brought the plate over to Kia, dropping his voice to a low octave that made her squeamish. “You did beg me to let you leave your socks on while I was
dancing with you.”

"Gillies" are black soft shoes that Irish dancers wear with white bobby socks. :)

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